Episode 4: Say, Do, Succeed – The Art of Delivering on Customer Commitments 

In this episode we welcome Andy Treanor, a highly respected industry veteran, to discuss his passion for customer success. Andy, who has over 30 years of experience in operating software on the InterSystems platform, recounts his career journey, emphasizing the importance of understanding technology to better serve customers. The episode celebrates Andy’s first day as an employee at InterSystems and underscores the company’s enduring dedication to customer service excellence.

  • Customer Success as a Sacred Bond: Andy Treanor emphasizes that customers place their trust in a company when they invest in their products or services. This trust is a sacred bond that requires the company to live up to its commitments and ensure the customer’s success.
  • Facing Challenges Head-On: When challenges arise, it’s crucial to confront them directly rather than avoid them. Andy shares a story of a challenging situation with a customer and how tackling the issue head-on ultimately built a deeper level of trust and partnership.
  • The Importance of the “Say, Do” Ratio: Andy introduces the concept of the “Say, Do” ratio, emphasizing the significance of delivering on commitments. He highlights that when a company promises to deliver something, they should follow through, as it builds trust with the customer.
  • Evolving Technology and Customer Expectations: John and Andy discuss how technology has evolved over the years, making solutions more reliable and scalable. As a result, customer expectations have also risen, and delivering exceptional service is now a crucial differentiator in the market.
  • Customer Closeness and End User Experience: The episode underscores InterSystems’ unwavering commitment to customer closeness and end-user experience. Andy notes that every conversation within the organization starts with a focus on how end users will interact with the technology, highlighting the company’s dedication to ensuring the highest level of service.

If you have any questions or wanna hear from a specific guest, email us anytime inspiredservice@intersystems.com

Rarified Air
Rarified Air
Episode 4: Say, Do, Succeed – The Art of Delivering on Customer Commitments 
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